


... 发表于 2003-7-27 13:42  ... 10780 次点击


1. you are fouled. what do you do? (你在场上被侵犯,你会怎么做?)
i'd just get on with taking the kick (继续比赛)
i'd have a "quiet word" with the player who fouled me (轻轻地对侵犯我的人说句话)
i'd have a "louder word" with the player who fouled me (大声对侵犯我的人说句话)
i'd tell the player who fouled me what i thought of his mother (辱骂侵犯我的人)
i'd floor the player who fouled me (把侵犯我的人放倒)
i'd take a contract out on the player who fouled me (使侵犯我的人丢掉他的饭碗)

2. a gorgeous blonde gives you the come on in a bar. what do you do? (一个漂亮的金发女郎在一个酒吧里挑逗你,你会怎么做?)
i'd tell her i was with someone and go home (告诉她我和别人一起的,然后回家)
i'd string her along but still go home (和她逗一会儿但最后还是回家)
i'd kiss her then go home (吻她然后回家)
i'd get a cab back to her place, kiss her in the back then go home (坐车到她的家里,……,大概是和她做些事情,然后回家)
i'd go in, do the business but sneak home early (和她发生关系,但早早地溜回家)
i'd do the business then kick her out of bed the next morning to make breakfast (和她过夜然后在第二天早上踢开她,若无其事地准备早餐)

3. you accidentally elbow an opponent in the face. what do you do? (你一不小心用肘打到对手脸上,你会怎么办?)
i'd stop play so their trainer can come on (暂停比赛,等工作人员进场)
i'd apologise but get on with the game (道歉,但继续比赛)
i'd just walk away (装作没这回事)
i'd walk away thinking "yes" (满意地走开)
i'd laugh in the player's face (嘲笑他)
i'd elbow him again when the ref wasn't looking (在裁判没看到之前继续打他)

4. you've been left on the bench. how do you get back in the team? (你被安排在替补席上,你将如何回到首发?)
i'd train from dawn till dusk to impress the boss (一天到晚训练,感动老板)
i'd stop drinking, eat healthily and go to bed early (停止喝酒,合理膳食,早睡觉)
i'd just relax and let things take their course (放松自己,顺其自然)
i'd buy the boss a gold rolex (买个什么东西送给老板)
i'd bribe the player who's taken my place to pull a sickie (贿赂那个占据了我的位置的球员)
i'd stick nandrolone in his tea and call the authorities (给占据了我场上位置的人茶里下药,然后报告工作人员)

5. if you win the world cup, what would you do to mark the event? (如果赢得了世界杯,你会如何庆祝?)
i'd make a donation to charity (向慈善机构捐款)
i'd throw a party for my mates (和朋友们来个聚会)
i'd take my family on a fantastic holiday (带全家去进行一次很爽的度假)
i'd buy another ferrari (再买辆法拉利)
i'd offer myself to a selection of my adoring female fans (把自己介绍给自己最心仪的女球迷)
what do you mean, " if " ? (什么叫“如果”?)

6. what is the most memorable world cup moment of all time? (世界杯历史上最值得记住的时刻是什么?)
geoff hurst's fourth goal in the '66 final (66年决赛赫斯特打入的第四球)
owen's goal against argentina in '98 (98年欧文进阿根廷的那球)
gazza's tears in the 1990 semi-finals (90年半决赛都加斯科因的眼泪)
pearce's missed penalty in the england vs germany game in '90 (90年英德之战皮尔斯射失点球)
maradona's "hand of god" goal in mexico in '86 (86年在墨西哥,马拉多纳的上帝之手)
beckham's sending off in the argentina vs england game in '98 (98年英阿之战贝克汉姆被罚出场)

7. you're knocked out of the world cup because a team-mate misses a penalty. what do you do? (由于队友射失点球,你的世界杯梦想破灭,你会怎么做?)
i'd comfort him and make sure he's ok (安慰他并确保他的安全)
pat him on the back then walk off (拍拍他的后背然后走开)
look at him then turn away (看他一眼然后转身离开)
tell him what i thought of him (告诉他我对他的看法)
tell him what the fans are going to do to him (告诉他球迷会把他怎么样)
do it to him before any of the fans do (在球迷对他做什么之前自己先对他做了)

8. it's time to pack in football, what do you do?(退役了你会做什么?)
start a soccer school and coach young talent (开足球学校,指导年轻的足球天才)
become a football manager (成为一个足球俱乐部经理)
become a sports presenter (成为一名体育方面的代表)
open a pub (开个酒吧)
make money doing terrible tv ads (靠拍广告赚钱)
fritter away my fortune on women and drink (把财富浪费在女人和酒上)

9. you're offered £1 million to fix a match. what do you do? (你被提供了100万去打假球,你会怎么做?)
i'd call the police (报告警方)
i'd floor the scumbag (把装赃钱的袋子摔在地上)
i'd say i wasn't interested (说明我对此没有兴趣)
i'd think about it (考虑一下)
take the money but give some to charity (接受这笔钱但把它捐给慈善机构)
£1 million!!! i'd do it for half that (100万啊!!一半我也做)

10. a supporter shouts abuse at you. what do you do? (一个球迷喊叫着侮辱了你,你会怎么做?)
feel sorry for him (对他表示遗憾)
ignore him (不理他)
look at him and think "loser" (看着他,在心里骂)
give him the finger (冲他竖起中指)
let him know exactly what i thought of him (让他清楚地了解我对他的意见)
do a cantona (像当年坎通纳一样)

本主题共有 16 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2003-7-27 22:32
勿忘我 地球
#2 - 2003-7-27 22:35
adachina 桂林
“geoff hurst's fourth goal in the '66 final ”?????????
#3 - 2003-7-28 12:36
工藤新一 地球
me too!
#4 - 2003-7-30 11:58
咪咪 美国
#5 - 2003-7-30 16:27
思索 地球 说:????
#6 - 2003-7-30 16:34
Sai 桂林
这个是随机送圈圈Hark,Powered by Sai
#7 - 2003-7-30 17:11
ea 地球

Originally posted by Sai at 2003-7-30 04:34 PM:
这个是随机送圈圈Hark,Powered by Sai

#8 - 2003-7-30 19:41
adachina 桂林
#9 - 2003-7-31 09:33
★MM★杀手★ 地球
#10 - 2003-7-31 10:45
Sai 桂林
#11 - 2003-7-31 11:29
咪咪 美国
#12 - 2003-7-31 15:47
adachina 桂林
#13 - 2003-7-31 15:48
adachina 桂林
#14 - 2003-7-31 15:49
adachina 桂林
#15 - 2005-8-24 01:40
Marshmallow 地球

#16 - 2005-8-28 13:51
alexander 地球

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