

Dirty Three & 张悬 十月北京、上海的大型演出

... 发表于 2006-8-26 08:46  ... 12379 次点击

The Dirty Three announced special guests for their China shows!

Deserts (张悬)

We are please announcing the very special guests who will be the guest vocal for the Dirty Three tour this time (and the first time ever in their live set)! Taiwan album chart topper Deserts (张悬) will be join the Dirty Three as an guest vocal for the China shows. Also plus the full set from Taiwan finest art-rock outfit Goodbye! Nao! (再见奈央). This will be the first debut from both fine Taiwanese acts in China, especially it’s so rare that Deserts’(张悬) new record“My Life Will”just made it to No.1 in Taiwan album sales chart and still going super strong at moment, so one show only! Don’t miss out!

Goodbye! Nao! (再见奈央)

我们很荣幸的公布这次Dirty Three亚洲巡回,为的他们发声的special guests (一起演出,并非开场),台湾五大唱片销售榜冠军歌手Deserts (张悬),将会首度来中国为Dirty Three现场演出发声,同时我们也非常荣幸的公布,台湾近年来最另人激赏的art-rock outfit之一Goodbye! Nao! (再见奈央),也会首度来中国为Dirty Three开场。这是这两个台湾另人激赏的艺人的第一次比较正式的中国演出,而这也是张悬在发片後第一次到中国演出,张悬和再见奈央将会演出这次亚洲巡回,除了韩国和马来西亚外的所有城市,只有一晚!千万别错过了!我们将会在九月初期公布中国演出的场地、票价和售票处。

Dirty Three "Cinder World Tour" live in China
Plus very special guest on vocal Deserts and full set from Taiwan finest art-rock outfit Goodbye! Nao!


Dirty Three (from Melbourne, Australia)
Dates: 26th Oct Shanghai / 27th Oct Beijing
日期: 十月二十六号星期四 上海/ 十月二十七号星期五 北京
Venue: We will announce the venue in China early next month, so stay in tune!
场地: 我们将会在九月初期公布
Special Guests:  Deserts (perform with The Dirty Three) and Goodbye! Nao! (Taiwan)
同时演出的友人:张悬 (和The Dirty Three一起演出) 和 再见奈央
Tix Price: It will be announcing early next month too.
票价: 我们将会在九月初期公布

Deserts (张悬) –  Taiwan

● Deserts’ latest full length “My Life Will” is out now via Sony Music
● 张悬最新的作品“My Life Will”已经由Sony Music发行

Artist Site:
Label Site:

Goodbye! Nao! (再见奈央)Taiwan

● Goodbye! Nao! First full length will be out October 2006 via the band’s label
● 再见奈央首张的专辑将会在十月底发行


Artist Site:
Myspace Site:

More info coming shortly, so stay in tune!


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