

[单曲] Snow Patro

... 发表于 2006-5-21 07:59  ... 13513 次点击

别致英伦/来自骨子里的悲情.Snow Patro

I'll sing it one last time for you
??Then we really have to go
??You've been the only thing that's right
??In all I've done
??And I can barely look at you
??But every single time I do
??I know we'll make it anywhere
??Anyway from here
??Light up, light up
??As if you have a choice
??Even if you cannot hear my voice
??I'll be right beside you dear
??Louder louder
??And we'll run for our lives
??I can hardly speak I understand
??Why you can't raise your voice to say
??To think I might not see those eyes
??Makes it so hard not to cry
??And as we say our long goodbye
??I nearly do .....


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