专辑:Mother's Daughter and Other Songs
我想Mike Lindsay和Sam Genders都是很会讲故事的人,因为听tunng的音乐时常让我产生这样的念头,他们的音乐能够轻易地使我安静下来。这支乐队被人们称作电子民谣乐队,一直走的是不愠不火的路线,他们可能缺少成为大牌乐队的气质,但却有毫不做作的单纯活泼。
曾把tunng的《Beautiful and Light》发给一个朋友听,朋友的评价是过于平淡,听过就忘。过了一段日子,她却告诉我,那个礼拜她听得最多的就是我发的那首歌——姑娘们总是很奇怪。
Tunng的两位成员一开始是给一些软性色情片做原声的,不知道是不是这样的经历使得他们的音乐总是带有一层迷幻的色彩。他们的音乐敏感而脆弱,但是微妙的节奏给人的感觉却依然强劲。发行于05年的这张<< Mother's Daughter and Other Songs>>是乐队的第一张专集,几乎收录了tunng出道以来所有好听的单曲。即有采样丰富的<<Beautiful and Light>>,也有<<Song of the Sea>>这样仅靠木吉他伴奏的清新小品。值得一提的是<<tale form black>>这首歌,挺喜欢它的歌词的,也正是这首歌,让我开始关注起了这支有着奇怪名字的乐队。
<<Tale From Black>>
she washes all the young blood from her hands in the sink
and she knows that the lights will be there for her
breaks down the body the dark subtle ink
and she scrolls on the parchments that hang in the air
she rides a horse over stones in the night
and she closes her eyes and lets go of the reigns
she knows the radios run through the night
and she knows that the lights leave the prettiest stains
she builds a shrine at the typing machine
and she goes up to write down her tales from the black
prays for a soft breeze and cool gentle rain
and she prays for the bodies that write slowly back
she knows the dunes where the steel cities grow
and she knows when they jail her they’ll grind down the key
she knows the lights lay the heaviest blows
and she knows that the sound must admit to the sea
she builds a birdhouse of plywood and gold
for to carry the old songs all up to the soul
turns on the tv and sits in the cold
and she dreams that sometimes she’s the prettiest one
she knows the thrill of the chase in her veins
and she knows that the sinking is a trick of the light
prays for the silence and cool gentle rain
and she prays that the radios run through the night
1. Mother's Daughter
2. People Folk
3. Out The Window With The Window
4. Beautiful And Light
5. Tale From Black
6. Song Of The Sea
7. Kinky Vans
8. Fair Doreen
9. Code Breaker
10. Surprise Me 44