

Idaho - The Thick And The Thin

... 发表于 2007-6-21 13:34  ... 9810 次点击

        喝杯清茶,茶叶在杯子里旋转,均匀的忽上忽下,idaho的音乐,如此这般的感觉.流畅着、苦涩着、飘动着。四弦吉他轻轻拨起,苦涩的声音融化在吉他旋律里...         明亮的吉他,轻盈的鼓点,虚弱的嗓音,听他们的音乐脑海会出现这样的电影画面:一个人独自驾车行驶在爱达荷荒凉的公路上--------

06.mp3 (4,898 KB)

The Thick And The Thin

traces of glory
giving you the life you hold
back the stories
you know they're bouncing off your head
aches and pains now
for the will to understand
where it's going
and beyond
love the body
take it home before you sink
back in times so thick
with what you remember
the only thing you don't forget
you are forgiven
by the stars
love the body
take it home before you sink
back in times so thin
trace the glory
set your soul astray
trace the glory
because you know that there is nothing wrong with it


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