

【想听就听】Window Shopping

... 发表于 2007-8-4 15:34  ... 10072 次点击


        当我想到Lisa Loeb,我会首先想到她的标志,猫式眼睛,她的几乎所有专辑的封套都是如此的装扮。至于她的音乐,在为签约任何唱片公司之前,她的Stay就已经成为了排行榜的冠军。不过在她的第二张专辑之后,Lisa Loeb在商业上的运作遇到的一些问题,我说的就是她的音乐不再收到大众的关注,现在她终于推出了她的精选辑,不清楚是不是她的功成身退的专辑,精选辑的确是一张值得收藏的专辑。而我的最爱也出现在专辑的第一首。

Window Shopping

try me on
take me home
the tags are on
it's still a loan
warranty is in the sack
you can always take me back
go window shopping again
window shopping again
scan the shelves for something red
it's different
it's brighter than the ones you had to have
they didn't last
they just fade
and you go window shopping again
window shopping again
window shopping again
window shopping again
there's no stopping window shopping
window shopping again
there's miles and miles of strip mall smiles
waiting to check you out
and all the conversations
not so subtle invitations
but isn't that what this is all about
oops...there's a hole in the shrink wrap
you didn't notice that
lucky you, they'll take it back
the warranty is in the sack
besides there's always something more
something better...a bigger store
to go...
try me on
take me home
the tags are on
it's still a loan
the warranty is in the sack
you can always take me back


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