

欧范流行——Sophie Ellis Bextor - Move This Mountain

... 发表于 2007-7-20 17:13  ... 15499 次点击


        Sophie Ellis-Bextor的嗓音被形容是带有disco风味的Chrissie Hynde,而她复古冷艳的美貌更媲美年轻时的Audrey Hepburn(奥黛丽赫本)。
        碎心抒情曲 Move This Mountain 中荡漾着教堂钟声,戏剧张力十足,天丝绒质感的嗓音、风情万种的撩人丰姿加上诱人的流行旋律节奏。

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Move This Mountain

Move This Mountain

What do you want from me
I stand before you no attempt to leave
I'm too tired to disagree
I stand before you no chance I'll believe this warning
Oh do you know
I would have done anything for you
Take this chance I won't repeat this
I can do anything that's put beside of you
And I can move any mountains that you make
I'll lift you up and my back will never break
And I can move this mountain
Come and take the rest of me
I never thought I wouldn't want you near
This is all I'll ever be
I understand you
Look around to see this dawning
Oh, does it show
I wanted to catch you falling
Oh, do you know
I would have done anything for you
Take this chance I won't repeat this
I can do anything that's put beside of you
And I can move any mountains that you make
I'll lift you up and my back will never break
And I can move this mountain

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#1 - 2007-11-2 19:13
yayavsyou 地球

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