

Right Now & Right Here...午后的慵懒

... 发表于 2007-7-10 09:54  ... 9776 次点击

        低调、干净、而不失优雅,是Keren Ann的声音。在这个法国女子的音乐里,听得出浅浅的流行、民谣、古典、爵士、拉丁、Bossanova,那是她的自己风格,融合起来而又浑然一体,每一首都有一份属于午后的慵懒惬意。
        午后是存在于房间里的时间,惟有回到房间深处,女子的感情才能恣然写意的伸展开来,那份慵懒的闲适,那份寂寞的幸福,恰似洒落在木地板上的阳光。Keren Ann的音乐属于房间,属于自我,属于安静,她会浅唱着《Right Now & Right Here》,她也会在窗前凭海临风,透过粉白色的蕾丝窗帘,听潮起潮落。
        安详的华丽,纯净的风格是Keren Ann的可贵之处,在她的音乐中,心情描摹远远多于故事叙述,而她的风格也成为她的禁锢,诉说般的轻柔气音,徘徊缓进的简单节奏,婉转忧伤的女子情思,使她的音乐沉浸在自我陶醉的孤芳自赏中难以自持,也难以自拔。
        似醉非醉,似醒非醒的哼唱是Keren Ann的味道,浅色系的淡雅柔和是Keren Ann的音乐底色,她的音乐里浸透着女子的心思,怀抱着自己的温暖,但听久了耳朵会倦,心也会倦。毕竟,慵懒只有在午后才会有片刻适宜。心情的归心情,生活的归生活。


Right Now & Right Here

Over and over you wanted it so fast
Head on my shoulder I'll pour myselfa glass
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to a lake
Then make a sad face and tell me it's to late
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
I'll try to be clear
My love oh my dear
Over and over you wanted me to play
Head on my shoulder there's nothing left to say
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to the sea
Then we can jump and pretend we disagree
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
I'll try to be clear
(My love oh my dear)
Over and over we're turning off the light
Even the warriors are always great at night
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to the moon
Then you can kiss me and say that it's too soon
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
Faces under water , look much closer
When they appear
Your hand on my shoulder
We'll be older in a year
In the morning after should I laugh or disappear

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#1 - 2007-7-11 12:32
堂堂 地球

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