

【英伦摇滚】 Hard-Fi - Stars Of CCTV

... 发表于 2007-9-19 10:39  ... 9816 次点击


        Hard-Fi,又一支来自伦敦的英伦摇滚乐队。他们去年的首张专辑出乎意料地一炮而红,一度称霸英国的专辑排行榜。『Stars Of CCTV』在2005年的Q杂志年度最佳专辑角逐中仅仅惜败给了Coldplay,又入围了全英音乐奖(The BRIT Awards)的最佳英国团体。
        Hard-Fi是那种很容易吸引你耳朵的乐队,风格多样,旋律动人,基本上沿袭了近几年比较流行的英伦摇滚风格(如Kaiser Chiefs,Razorlight等)。


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f CCTV  

And every move that I make  
Gets recorded to tape  
So somebody up there  
Can keep me safe  
I'm going out tonight  
I've got my hair just right  
I'm always looking good  
For the spotlight  
Stick 'em up  
Give me the money  
A winning smile  
Up to the gallery  
I'm gonna get my face on the 6 'o' clock news  
We're the stars of CCTV  
Making movies out on the street  
We're the stars of CCTV  
Can't you see the camera loves me?  
On every corner, every street  
Down every underpass you'll see  
Somebody's stealing the show  
Somebody looking like me  
I'll see you out tonight  
Just got the pose just right  
We're always looking good  
For the spotlight  
We turn it on  
And so we're full of speed  
We fill the screen  
Can't help but notice me  
I'm gonna get my face on the 6 'o' clock news  
We're the stars of CCTV  
Making movies out on the street  
Flashing blue lights, camera, action  
Watching my life, main attraction  
We're the stars of CCTV  
Can't you see the camera loves me?  
We're the stars of CCTV  
Making movies out on the street  
Flashing blue lights, camera, action  
Watching my life, main attraction  
We're the stars of CCTV  
Can't you see the camera loves me?

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#1 - 2007-9-26 21:53
moyuan 地球

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